Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Scott being inducted into the Architectural Institute of British Columbia

Sunday, April 20, 2008


To old friendships renewed, to new ones eternalized. To sharing plates, one dessert and four spoons. To stiletto heel prints in fallen April snowflakes. To vocal shiverings in snow-covered parked cars and a slow journey home just before midnight. To Saturdays, to sunlight on awnings, to news of pending adventures. To hugs goodbye, with promises of next time. 

And driving home, alone, with the volume up.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pig has a secret

I came across this whimsical piece on Foundling's Etsy Shop. The description reads: "A vintage bit of fabric and animals from vintage children's textbooks were collaged to create Pig Has A Secret." WELL. A pig after my own heart.